Scripting (Group Member, July 2021)

– thank you to a “Group member” for reminding us constantly of scripting 🙏

Before knowing Neville I was journaling for years. My diaries when I was still a kid were about what I had done all day long, when I grew older I used to write down my adventures, trips and other experiences, I even remember vast pages that I wrote about being lovesick.

In my twenties, I started to write down my favourite quotes from wise people and a kind of summary of what I have learned from them.

Then I switched to goals, in my thirties.

I realized that writing down a sad love story was good for feeling relief, but at the same time, I felt stuck and drenched with undesired feelings, whereas setting my goals towards a loving relationship brought me much further.

It was not until last year though that I used scripting willingly to reach my goals.

The past years I wrote down my plans and what I still wanted to do.

However, I didn’t use scripting for revision or for consciously making decisions about what I’d like to experience.

Using scripting as a deliberate tool to change the future is quite new to me!

So as I was used to writing and as I loved it, too, I started to journal future events, circumstances and relationships.

The best thing about scripting is:

It is fixed on paper (or digital). You cannot change it immediately like thoughts and you can reread the same stuff over and over. It helps to concentrate on what we really want.

It helps with “feeling it real”.

For instance: writing a story that happened is easy because you have told it to yourself in your mind a lot of times before. But what about rewriting this story with a happy ending? Ever tried?

The same with future outcomes:

writing about worries and failures may be just a bad habit of thinking – what about daring to imagine the best outcome ever, the real Hollywood style of Walt Disney?

(I hope you’re into that 😂 LOL)

Ok, you might say: This sounds like a fairy tale and this girl is definitely a bit crazy (as you are acting from a “rational” state of mind).

Yes, you’re absolutely right.

My life IS a fairy tale if I accept this to be true!

And if I think that my life is a mess, life will confirm my assumption, too.

So why would we choose hell instead of heaven?

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