Quick Manifestation (Group Member, Dec 2019)

Today was a pretty good day for a quick manifesting success story. So I was at Walmart and it was packed full of people ..I’m waiting in line and all the check outs are long. So I pull up to one and watch the other registers and I see only one register have a bagger at his register. (You know you normally have to put your bags in your own basket) but this one had two people at it one ringing items up on the register and one person putting people’s bags into their baskets. So I thought to myself “man that would be so cool if I had that register line” but he had the “lane closed sign” then out of nowhere this manager says to me “ma’am he can take you over here” which was two aisle over, so I look around thinking she was talking to someone else and she was like “you ma’am he can take you” I moved closer and thanked her and got in my line that I wanted to be in with the bagger ! It was so easy and effortless! I love how manifesting is just so easy and fun on a day to day basis. It really is that simple and can be that fast!

Many blessings to each of you

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