I have been visualizing my mom not smoking and having healthy lungs. Breathing perfectly and not coughing.
It affects her voice at times and unable to go outside due to humidity. COPD.
I’ve visualized, spoken to her in the spirit realm (out of the body), prayed, believed, acted as if, imagined, did affirmations, and I would take deep breaths myself for her and pretend she is breathing through me (if that makes sense) — I would let her use my lungs.
I persisted in all of this for a while now… months.
Well.. GUESS WHAT?!!!!!
I was talking with her yesterday on the phone and noticed her breathing.
Her breathing was normal sounding, she was talking normally (sounding like herself), and not coughing.
I said, MOMMMM!! You are breathing better!!!!!! She said, “yeah. I feel so good.
Even Daddy noticed I wasn’t coughing. He said something to me the other day.
It’s ever since I took that antibiotic for my gums that my breathing got better. I guess the antibiotic cleared up the bacteria in my lungs, too.”
I said, you sound so good. Talking great.
She said, thank you. I feel good.
I haven’t told her all that I’ve been doing.
But, I will.
Now, I’m waiting for the manifestation of her not smoking.
No more cravings.
I’m so glad she is breathing better!! .
Can you guys help me manifest her quitting smoking?? Maybe a little more visualization and imagination from others is what is needed. The power of our energy WILL help.
Remember, this will help you in return.
Thank you for helping.
She IS HEALTHY!! <~ I claim it!!