My SP Story (The Beginning, Jan. 2020)

When it comes to love I have never made a big deal about it, because I was always way too busy with becoming my best version or following my dreams. However, a few years ago someone had been placed on my path, who I ended up liking. They felt the same way- and even though they were in a relationship with someone else they still didn´t shy away to make sure I knew. Anyway, to cut a long story short, didn´t pursue that- it was never my thing to be a third party or break up anyone.

This manifestation is very personal and I actually didn´t want to share it publicly, but today I got inspired to do so. – It will help people understand how huge their inner God is and that truly nothing is impossible!

(Grab a drink and a snack, it´s gonna be a long one! Definitely worth the read though )

I have to start at the beginning for this one.

(Note: Those were all pre-Neville thoughts before I knew things better and understood that it has always been me who had created complicated people, etc. in love)

Anyway, after Neville, I somehow felt I still wanted this person and continued living in the end.- What I naturally had done before knowing anything about Neville. However, it didn´t manifest because of lack of faith and the focus on things like “I have to wait until they break up” and the entertainment of the 3D, etc. All those things made later a huge amount of sense as to why I never had managed to manifest that relationship- even though the connection was on the so-called twin flame level (which was something I used to believe in but never limited to only being only one twin flame- as many people were claiming. Funny enough, after Neville it was crystal clear to me that one truly manifests their beliefs, because I had manifested 2 twin flames by then.)

Fast forward, in the process of living my God truth, I have noticed more and more the loss of interest in that SP (specific person). I would fall asleep during literally every imaginary phone conversation before bed. And that wouldn´t bother me much as well as the fact that I was not really thinking about them during the day as I did before. I started noticing some of those signs, which I later identified as “It´s over”. Well, something in me was still wondering why, because the feelings were so strong and I had received so many signs that it was that person for me…..BUT that was all only my mind creating those things based on my thoughts and beliefs.

Let´s jump a bit further.

So back in October 2019 when I was presented with my new and current SP it really came by surprise. Not only was the person someone I would have never thought of in a million years, but also someone famous in the public eye. (- Therefore, I will not use their name or anything that might expose them. Soon you all will find out anyway. For now, let´s keep the fun as long as it lasts )

I wasn´t surprised by the famous part, because I have never put famous or publicly known people on a pedestal like most people do. I always considered them not different from myself and just being people, who followed their heart and are living their dreams.- In their case, their dreams are just happening out in public.

Anyway, I was surprised by the choice of SP, simply because I have known this person from the media since I was a teenager and thought they were OK. As an artist, I found some of their stuff good, but never ever would´ve thought of them in another way than platonic. BUT that caused a big “What?!”  in me when it happened. However, I decided to go with it and see. Things unfolded quite quickly for me and feelings hit soon after. It all happened so naturally and I didn´t even had the need to get into a state of whatever, I was there from the moment I noticed this person as my new SP. Everything was just flowing so smoothly as if I had woken up in that state of being in a relationship with that person. I would wake up having them lying next to me and feeling their embrace. We would have breakfast together and spend our days either together or everyone doing their thing.- Since I was in Bangkok when it all started I would have days where I would go to my Muay Thai classes and they would have business meetings, shootings, etc. and later we would meet for dinner in the hotel or go to a restaurant. All those scenes just unfolded in front of my inner eyes very naturally and have been from the first moment super real to me. Not once was I doubting them not being real or considering them true in my imagination only or something. It never dawned on me that we were not in a loving and committed relationship, because everything I felt and experienced was so real to me. I mean I never tried anything! I was always in that end from the moment I accepted my SP and went with it.

Anyway, I was living that beautiful, amazing and mind-blowing love which was getting better and better every day. So I decided I wanted my SP to tell me “I love you”. NOT in my imagination- which had already happened by then- but I wanted to hear them say those words in “real life” to me. That was what I told Lucy (my subconscious mind) I wanted. NOW that was an “impossible” task given that my SP didn´t know I even existed in the 3D/real life- I thought and was eager to see how my God within would fulfill that. 

So about days or a week later- I can´t remember, since I manifest many things consciously and tend to forget them quite quickly- I´m on Youtube watching a Neville-related video. At some point, I looked to my right where the recommended videos are to stare right at a video of my SP with the title so clearly I couldn´t miss that it was for me. I clicked on it to reveal a beautiful music video filled with love confessions. Not only that but it was so shot as if my SP was talking directly to me all the time! … I was so blown away it took me a while to collect myself. Not only was I hearing all the things I wanted to hear from them, but it was so directed that I knew they were talking to me. There was no doubt about that!

This experience left me in such awe that it confirmed even stronger everything I had known and believed such as “To God nothing is impossible!”

Today seems to be a day to have a stronger faith in the higher power of yourself and trust that it´s already yours! Let go and let God! 

PS: And the funny thing is that all the good stuff I had created through imagination and simply living in the end with the previous SP is manifesting. ONLY with a different SP.

Isn´t it wonderful to know all the work you do is never wasted?

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