Mental diet and the control of your inner conversations really help master your thoughts and make a big difference in manifesting your wishes and desires.
I’m sure most will agree that it’s much easier to feel their manifestation as being real or already fulfilled when you are thinking positively. It’s not enough to express your desire or wish and try to live in the end, while having inner conversations that are in contradiction. This is why the manifestation can not come to pass. You have to be aligned with it to see it in your reality. That’s when inner conversations and mental dieting are essential. You have to gain control over what you speak to yourself. What you tell yourself in silence because that shows the state you are in – either of lack or of trust.
How does it work?
NEVER EVER end a negative statement – whether in thought or spoken out loud.
Immediately stop yourself and add a ‘But’ or ‘However’ to continue your statement.