To reach a higher level of being, you must assume a higher concept of yourself. – Neville Goddard
Let´s get Neville…
This statement just makes sense- I´m sure most of you will agree. Still too many are not aware of this truth when it comes to their manifestation.
Now I will break it down here….
We all know that if we want to have something we don´t currently have, we will have to change or do something to get it. Now, here is where many people seem to take the wrong turn. With “changing” or “doing” something it´s not meant physically or externally BUT ….internally.Within you there needs a change to happen before whatever you want can be visible in your outer world.
Doesn´t it make sense that whatever leads you to having the reality you currently have, would not be able to get you another reality? No matter how hard you try to force things to go your way from outside of you, you will not achieve the desired results. Why is that? Because the law doesn´t work from outside in and only and always can give you what you assume as your truth. So it´s impossible that your old truth bring you anything else than what you already have. I´m sure this makes sense- since we experience this a lot in different situations in our daily lives. There are just things that are clear and we don´t question them at all, but when it comes to a desire we seem to struggle. Though it really is as easy as ordering something on Amazon.- We just know it´s coming and a double-checking or questioning of its arrival is not there. Simply, because we have the faith that we are getting it. We don´t care about the “When”, because it´s clear to us that it is coming!- AND the funny part, manifestations can truly be seen as exactly that… an order with a guaranteed arrival.
This might seem far-fetched, but it really is not. It´s you making it bigger than it is.
The moment you express a desire (thinking it, writing it or saying it out loud) it is already yours! For to feel a desire is your God within wanting to experience that desire. It doesn´t really come from “you” but your higher truth and for that it comes already with an “It is done!” stamp on it. All you then need to do is to see beyond your human eyes to see it as a done deal.
Have that desire NOW and become that person NOW! Know the order is placed and in the delivery process.- It truly is that simple. Don´t choose the hard way, just because you are used to it. There is no effort needed other than persisting in your assumption and no it´s done and taken care of. Should you have to physically “do” something, you will be inspired to do so and it will come very naturally to you- in fact, you will not even notice that you are doing it, because everything will just be in the flow.
Assume that concept of you now and blend everything out that is the opposite of what you desire. Persist in it and it must come to pass!