Discovering the True Feelings Behind a Desire (Sep, 2020)

I´ve written about this topic a while ago, but today I was inspired to address it again.- This time I will also mention ways to discover the true reason of a desire and how to resolve that issue to effortlessly and quickly manifest ones desire.

Most of the time the reason why we want a desire has nothing to do with the desire itself. We have this strong feeling of want or need and somehow think to know that that one desire will fulfill it. However, often that´s not the case. We just notice that we crave something else now that we have that one thing. …AND the cycle continues.

Everything that you do is in itself a God given desire.

Now I am not saying you should stop desiring things- which is something that you can´t really do as long as you are experiencing human life. You might at some point stop desiring the material things, but the need for something or a desire of some kind will somehow always remain.- Even if you simply desire to sit in silence and watch the sunset.

Understand what it is that you truly want from your desire

The struggles to manifesting something specific often come when you fail to understand the real reason that you want the desire in the first place.

You have to be it to see it.

That´s the key to receiving your manifestation. As we should know by now through Neville´s teachings it´s impossible for something to be part of your experience if it´s not part of you first. You have to feel owning it or being that person first.- That´s why to understand what the real drive of your desire is comes in handy. It removes the limitations that are still attached and the manifestation of that desire becomes effortless.

Why do you want your desire?

This is a very important question to answer for yourself, for it shows you where your true desire lies.

Do this in a quiet moment.- You don´t have to be in a meditative state, because it´s more a brainstorming type of thing.

  • Take a notebook/paper and a pen
  • Write down how you would be or feel if that desire was fulfilled.

Write each feeling or statement in a separate line.

Take your time with this and make sure to write everything down that pops up in your mind- with as many details as necessary.

This exercise shows you now what is currently missing within you, the true reason why you want to have that desire.

Knowing this now, we turn your written statements and feelings into Afformations. (For detailed information on Afformations please check the topic “Tips and Tricks.”)

What´s next?

  • Take a new paper
  • Go through every one of your statements and write them down as questions on your new paper. Here also make sure to use a new line for each question.

You can start your questions with “Why am I…?”, “What would it be like….?”, What if …?”, etc.

Once you finish all the questions you can use the 2 following techniques to turn them into new beliefs.

“Water and Afformation technique”

  • Write every Afformation separately on a small piece of paper
  • Use a bottle of water- 1L would be best but whatever you have works
  • Pick 4 or 5 of your written Afformations

It´s important to start with less Afformations, because that way every new belief can be implemented faster and the new changes are not too overwhelming.

  • Place the bottle of water on each on of them for at least 5 mins
  • Once the water is infused with all the 4-5 Afformations it is ready
  • Drink the water throughout the day

Whenever you are thirsty drink from that bottle. Should you finish the water, refill it and redo the above process.

  • Do this technique for at least 1 week or more

Make sure that the Afformations have become new beliefs before moving to the next 5 until you complete your list.

Speak your Afformations repeatedly

  • Find a quiet place
  • Be relaxed and empty your mind (no need to get into a meditative state)
  • Take the first Afformation on your list and repeat it over and over again until you have the feeling that you can move to the next Afformation.

Don´t speak it as a lullaby but focus on the words and the feeling that arises from the Afformation spoken.

  • Go through all the Afformations on your list
  • Repeat this every day for 1 week or longer

The duration of this process really depends on your dedication. If you find enough time to really focus on this method and your Afformation list you can implement the new beliefs in 1 or 2 week.

Both of the above techniques are powerful and effective. Simply choose which one is best for you. 😉

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