Full debt Payment (Feb. 2020)

My mum had a debt on her account of over €4.000 so every amount that came into her account was automatically being deducted. This was not a great thing, because Mum was sick for a very long time and so dependent on the money she would receive from her sick pay. Anyhow, let´s cut a long story short, I was not happy about that and wanted the debt on her account to be resolved magically and Mum to have credit on her account.

So for weeks or maybe also a month or so (I don´t keep track well of when I started manifesting something, since I manifest many many things at the same time BUT could also be that time is just simply not important to me.) I would say in the morning and at night my “Thank Yous”. I would say thank you for all my desires being manifested- would name all of them in the past tense as an already fact in my world- and feel the truth of that and then go to sleep. It was something I was doing naturally showing my gratitude for all that I “have”.

Every time I would see my mum´s negative account balance I would revise it in my mind to a positive balance.- Sometimes I would also say something like “Amazing how Mum´s account no longer has a negative balance but instead a nice credit”. I would not do that all the time, but every time I would see a negative balance I would revise it.- Since I had merged both our accounts I would see it often when dealing with payments, etc. So it became a habit of me seeing the changed balance. A few days ago I started using the phone self-talk technique and “Money whispering technique” throughout the day again just to stay connected.- I had asked Lucy (my subconscious mind) for a deeper connection to truly live behind the illusion of the 3D world (the reality, the shadow world) before I was inspired to focus on those techniques 24/7.

Fast forward, today I logged into my online banking account to make a payment and what do my eyes see? The negative balance on Mum´s account was gone and she had a credit of over €500. I went into her account to check and found the deposit of an unexpected payment of over €4.000. 

What a wonderful surprise!

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