What if I told you that it really is possible to manifest random checks coming in the mail? I wasn’t in the best of places last year. No job, countless applications with no callbacks, a new baby, financially dependent on others… My confidence was so low. I reached a point where I just surrendered and stopped fighting. I told God, “I don’t even care what happens anymore. I’m tired. It’s whatever.” Not realizing that I was executing a key step in the manifestation process… RELEASING RESISTANCE. All of those positive thoughts, affirmations, scripting, visualizations, and meditations are damn near pointless if you do not release the resistance. It seems counterintuitive but I promise, it never fails. When you surrender and remember,
“I AM STILL going to be okay. I CAN still manifest something better than this even though my current reality is showing me otherwise.”
Things always change. The check came, a job at Carvana came, more job offers popped up, and more money kept coming. This is just ONE area in my life……Just know it’s been quite a ride… But countless blessings have been definitely picked up along the way.